Who's Your One?

Imagine the impact if every Christian had ONE person they prayed for and shared the gospel with. Who are you committing to pray for?




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We want to know about your journey with your ONE. Whether you have just identified your ONE, they came to church for the first time, made a profession of faith, or another step. Fill out this form so we can be praying for you and your ONE!


  • Think about those you regularly interact (or could regularly interact) with who do not know Christ. Your coworkers. Your neighbors. Your friends. What would it look like if you spent this year intentionally pursuing a discipleship relationship—sharing the love, salvation, and freedom in Christ—with them?

  • 1. Use the 30-Day Prayer Guide and spend a few minutes each day praying for your One.

    2. Look for opportunities to share the gospel with them. As the Spirit leads you, share the good news of Jesus Christ through gospel conversations.

    3. Find out if your One might be interested in reading the Bible with you. Reading the Bible together is a great way to begin talking about spiritual things. Decide on a schedule that works for you. Typically, meeting together once per week for a 4 to 6 week trial period is a good way to begin. After that, you will be able to sense whether your One will want to continue meeting. For a helpful resource on how to read through the Bible with someone, visit www.reading121.org.

    4. Share your story with us. Let your church family know how God is working!

  • While we could measure the success of Who’s Your One? in several ways, we have decided to keep our focus narrow and prioritize one thing—professions of faith—without diminishing the importance of baptism and membership. This does not mean that all professions of faith in this count are a result of Who’s Your One? Rather, Who’s Your One? is the initiative used to motivate people toward evangelism in their everyday lives.