• We are following the governor’s guidelines and have consulted with other leaders on the State and Local Level to make sure we are following all protocols and being as safe as we can possibly be.
• Brian Blalock, the head of our safety team who is with the Lynn Haven Police Department has reviewed our plan and he, along with the officers who serve our Hiland Park Baptist family every week, will be working with us as well.
• As always, if you are sick please do not attend in-person services, but worship with us online at home. If you have tested positive for COVID-19, been exposed to anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or have had a fever within the last two weeks, do not attend in-person services, but worship with us online at home.
• We will ask everyone to exit the building as soon as the service is over to allow the proper cleaning and sanitizing to occur. This will also insure individuals attending the next service will be able to enter on time.
• We will have services at 9:00am and 10:30am at the 231 Campus and 10:30am at the Kingswood Campus. Life Groups are at 8:00am, 9:00am and 10:30am.
• Plans include — rows blocked off and chairs separated to help people maintain a safe six-foot distance as they worship. Families should sit together, but there must be at least two seats between you and the next family or individual sitting on your particular row.
• Though we will have hand sanitizer on campus, we encourage you to bring some as well. You are welcome to wear a mask, but they are not required.
• Services will continue online for those who are unable to attend on campus.
10:30am: Live Worship Service
• We encourage you to use online giving, text-to-give and giving boxes.
• We will have cleaning teams thoroughly clean every venue/chair between services.
• Water fountains will not be available, but FREE bottled water will be.
• If you have any concerns or health issues, we strongly recommend you remain at home and watch our online services which will continue at all the normal times.
Pray for our leaders, staff and the hundreds of volunteers who will be helping us prepare to worship together on campus and online and for lives to be changed.
Without question, this has been a trying experience for everyone. Hopefully, it has been a learning experience for us as well. We are convinced God has His hand in all of this and will use this to help us become better and stronger than ever before (Romans 8:28–31).
We love you and are praying for you and can’t wait to see you. Either on campus or online, we’ll be worshipping together this Sunday!
God bless you!
Pastor Steven